First Service, 8:30am Adult Bible Study, 9:45am Second Service, 10:45am - (also livestreamed on Facebook)
Monday: Food Box Distribution, 10:00-12:00* - 1st Mon. of the month Men's Bible Study,* 6:00-7:00pm Tuesday: Preschool Play Date, 9:00-11:30am - 1st/3rd Tue. of the month Youth Group, 4:30-6:00pm Wednesday: GO Girls & ARMOR Boys, 5:00-6:30pm (on break 10/9) High School Bible Study, 5:15-6:15pm - meets off campus Thursday: Heritage Senior Adults, 11:00am - 3rd Thurs. of the month Evening Ladies Bible Study, 6:00pm* - meets off campus Friday: Ladies Handiwork Fellowship, 10:00am-12:00pm* (every other week - see calendar) Saturday: Men's Fellowship, 8:00am - 4th Sat. of the month *Meets in the Outreach Center |
4180 E Hwy 260, Star Valley, AZ 85541
Phone: (928) 474-5557 Get directions here.
Pastor Dave602-230-1344
Church phone928-474-5557
Address4180 E Hwy 260 Star Valley, AZ 85541